GO Virginia Grant Supports Digital Shipbuilding Initiatives

STEM Learning Ecosystems and TIES Poised for CHIPS and Science Act 100-Community Initiative Gathering Strategies to Scale Innovation

A significant digital transformation is under way in the shipbuilding industry with the move toward the use of a digital, 3D product definition that supports model-based construction and maintenance to capture efficiencies and cost-saving benefits realized in industries already using a digital enterprise.

Huntington Ingalls Industries — Newport News Shipbuilding is at the forefront of this breakthrough.The Virginia shipyard workforce, which includes over 35,000 direct jobs and over 34,000 indirect jobs, will need upskilling to work proficiently in this digital environment. Virginia needs these types of high-paying jobs that will ensure its national prominence across the shipbuilding, ship repair and advanced manufacturing industries for years to come.

TIES is a partner on this project, led by Toby Bothel, which is funded by a two-year GO Virginia grant. Click here to read more about the program’s objectives and how this important STEM initiative will support workforce development.