Telephone: +1-443-421-1027

Katie Grootegoed

Senior STEM Consultant

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Katie Grootegoed is proud to have many accomplishments that have improved quality of life for various underserved communities. However, she is looking forward to continuing to make a lasting impact in her current role. Her recent accomplishments include acceptance into the Verizon Innovative Learning Cohort, which provided iPads with data packages for over 1000 staff and students allowing for 24/7 access to the Internet and technology. Additionally, she spent the last four years working to provide high-speed Internet access and technology training to the poorest, and most underserved communities. Katie received her BA in Education from John Carroll University (Go Blue Streaks!), her MS in Physiology at Long Island University, Brooklyn, and her Masters Specialist Certificate in Educational Technology from Missouri State University. She has been an educator in New York City, Virginia, and Ohio with experience in K-16. Katie, a licensed sea captain, enjoys exploring on land and water with her three superhero-in-training daughters and her husband David.